
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Knowledge Can Kill

Author's Note: This is a creative short story for response number three to Jekyll and Hyde. I have already done a poem and a passage on my thoughts so I wanted to try another writing style. This is basically about how knowing to much can be torment to the beholder of the knowledge. I was inspired by Chapter 9 and how Lanyon died for what he knew. Even though in this short story I do not say what my character knows, I decided to keep it a mystery and play on the idea of curiosity. This is the quote I was inspired by, "My life is shaken to its roots; sleep has left me; the deadliest terror sits by me at all hours of the day and night; I feel that my days are numbered, and that I must die; and yet I shall die incredulous" (102).

3.14 equals Pi…
Thomas Hobbes believed man was evil…
Gravity of Earth is 9.81 m/s2

I can never stop these thoughts. All day long information, facts, and statistics plague my mind. There is so much knowledge, in such a short time.

Cats sleep 18 to 16 hours a day..

There it goes again, I don’t even care about cats, and I just don’t get it. At a young age I loved to learn. I wanted to know everything and anything that was out in the universe. Knowledge was an addiction.

People that need Algebra: 1 of 3,053,567,422,456…

All of this information has taken over the center of my brain. I am filled with information, and some information that not even I should know. Ever since that one day, that one day that should not be named.

A man named Ed Peterson is the inventor of the Egg McMuffin…

I had stumbled upon something, something nobody understands. Ever since then, my brain has been on overload. I do not know what to do with what I know, I cannot reasonably decide how to precede.

Elephants are the only mammals that can't jump…

Even with all the knowledge I have accumulated over the years, knowing what to do is a whole different story. I slowly feel my brain crumpling and folding trying to figure out what to do with this unmentionable information.

Stressed is Desserts spelled backwards…

This knowledge has become too much, I will have to pay the price for what I know. Malformation has taken over, and I can no longer think. So many facts rushing into my brain, I feel as if my circuits are frying.

Number of deaths currently: 1


  1. I love the idea of this response, how you incorporated the whole nature of intelligence motif, and found a different way to express it than the traditional poem or writing response. I like how you incorporated that feeling of the constant interruption of information. It really made me feel the struggle within your character and did more to express what you wanted to show than any of the actual words you used. Overall great job.

  2. Nice job! I like this one the best. I liked the fact how you gave facts and then say how it was all spinning in the head. I also didn't know elephants could jump! :) I loved the structure. I liked how you had a fact and then two to three sentences of the person going crazy about knowledge. The topic was really nice too.
    Great Job!
