
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Accessing the Evil

Author's Note: This piece is a  different form of poetry that I have decided to try. It is called an acrostic poem, and is where the first letter of each line combine to spell out a phrase... see if you can find the message. Basically, this poem is just kind of a wrap-up of the whole message of the novella. I was inspired by the quote, "I have been doomed to such a dreadful shipwreck: that man is not truly one, but truly two" (104). I wanted to portray how every man has the choice of natures. Society  suppresses the evil, yet when man gives into the hidden desire the evil can grow and take over, as it did to Jekyll and thus Hyde. 

Millions of people desire that which they cannot have
And some of these people do not even know that which they want
Not knowing allows society to continue on, guarding us from ourselves

Deep down within every being lives a new identity
Enticing, yet a nature that is too evil to dream of
Silently waiting to come and manifest itself
It lives in the solitude of our soul
Resting and waiting for the moment when man falls week to the temptation
Enveloping the poor soul that caves into desire
Seeking for that perfect moment

The moment where the thoughts of evil creeps into every thought
Holding a place of prominence in the mind
Acting upon the weakness that this being has
Taking hostage the once good nature

While the evil begins to consume the once good nature
Halos wage a war amongst the demons within the soul
Ideally the good would win, but the evil has become too strong
Controlling the brain and tarnishing a name
Havoc has taken over this weak-minded being

If only mankind would not indulge in temptation
Society usually abstains, but some do give in to their dual nature

Every person has a decision to make
Vanish the evil from themselves, and do what it is accepted
If that doesn’t happen then the other nature wins
Life is about choices, and choosing the good or the evil happens to be one of them

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