
Monday, March 29, 2010

Drinking Facts Report

This piece is a research paper in the response to Rules of the Road. It is supposed to show you the affects of alcohol on a family and there chemistry with one another. This way of life --obsessively drinking-- is no way to solve problems. These statistics were all researched and not made up.

Drinking in the United States has begun to reach new heights. Countless numbers of lives are being loss and also causing unnecessary divorce between families. This step is taken in order to try and protect the family. This is what has happened to Jenna, a young teenage girl. Although I cannot relate to this topic to myself because luckily my parents have chosen to live an alcoholic free life, however, I feel that this a very interesting topic that I would like to further explore. Currently in the United States there is about 75% of adult above the age of 18 who have used alcohol. Around 61% of these people will continue to drink for most of their lives. Only about 14% will eventually make the decision to quit.

Jenna has a life filled with trouble and worry. It starts with her dad who is an avid alcoholic. She desperately wants him to quit, but the odds are against him with only 14% being able to find the strength to quit. Luckily for Jenna she is a strong girl and is able to push through difficult times. Only about 20% of people who have an alcoholic parent will break the trend and go on with their life, in other words going to college. Jenna is strong and knows that she can defeat her odds and lead a good life.

Alcohol can not only affect someone mentally, but it can also affect a persons financial stability. Between the paying of the obsessive habit, down to the worst possible outcome, accidents. Over half of fatal crashes in the United States are due to someone being drunk. Now a person who drinks has to pay for that, if they are alive. Also, tickets for drunk driving are very pricey and can cost someone big bucks to cover the cost of these. Alcohol over all has no positive side to it, other than the social aspect of it. The cost of the habit, fatal outcomes, physical and mental problems, and family problems far out weigh the good. It is said that many abusers of alcohol want to quit but just feel as if they can't and sink farther into their addiction. For Jenna, she is fortunate to be as strong and smart as she is to be able to realize that there is more to life than what she sees every day.


  1. Really nice job. What was the source of this topic? I was wondering if it was in response to researching independently. I appreciate how this is well constructed, and exhibits your writing style in non-fiction.

  2. Yes, this was like a research paper just a little bit different by relating it to the book more. I researched all of the facts and statistics however.
