
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

A Different Jenna Portrayed

I decided to change an exerpt from the novel Rules of the Road. This is the part where Jenna is about to go to the zoo to meet her constantly drunken father. I have decided to change Jenna to realize that she is stronger and better than how her father treats her. In this writing, the main character Jenna will be talking.

I stayed in my house for a long while, reflecting on all that had happened. I saw myself growing up one step at a time, one mile at a time. I contemplated whether or not to go to the zoo to meet my father. Their he would be waiting for me. I so badly wanted that picture perfect dad running to me sober saying things are going to change. However, with the way I had grown I knew this was just a figment of my imagination and that what I wanted would just dissolve into a faded memory. I was sick of giving chances to this man who had ruined so many. I was done with him forever, I will keep him in my thoughts and always pray for him, but having anything deeper I now didn't want. My appearance had changed, my self confidence had changed, my entire being had changed. I realized that then and their I didn't need my dad. I am a strong and independent. He is the weight that I lag behind every day. It is time to free myself from his chains. The road has changed me, and as far as I'm considered I just entered another long stretch of road. No looking back and no U-turns, it is all straight on from here.

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed the voice, and the use of literary devices. Also you have that repetitive pattern that works well for you. On top of it all, the voice and message are really powerful.
