
Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Fahrenheit 451 Scenario

Government has gotten too much control and they have turned away from the roots of our democracy, I am social rights activist trying to convince citizens of the United States that they need to act on their rights and control the government. This scenario is at a political convention.

In these times we have seen many things. Our world has changed, new friends and enemies have been formed. The Earth continues to spin, and thank goodness for that. More importantly though is how our government has continued to change. In the Declaration of Independence it is said that if the government has too much control, the citizens have the right to overthrow them. Now it is time to act upon this and overthrow this oppressing government. Secrets are being kept from us, and laws and stimulus packages are being passed that we as citizens do not even want . As American citizens we have the right to freedom of speech. We must all take what has been given to us and use it for the greater good. This greater good needs to be us all speaking up and stopping things we do not want to see happen.

The magnitude and velocity that the government has now reached, is beyond what anyone intended it to be. Taxes are through the roof, and our country is in debt, so that when Americans are born, we already "owe" the government over 38,000 dollars. With such a problem that our country needs to deal with, we try to find ways to hide things. Issues that we are being hidden from, range in many topics but one of the very serious is unemployment. The last report of unemployment was the government trying to say it was below 8% but in actuality it is past 15%. Issues such as these are trying to be hidden, and what else is being hidden from us? Such secrets or statistics like these need to be brought out. Our own constitution says, "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our posterity do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America". Tonight, everyone here, you are the people.

It is our responsibility now to reign in what is happening to this country. We need to stand our ground a defend the nation and what it has been born on. Those claims in the Constitution are not being followed through and it is now our responsibility to insure that they are. Everyone in this room has a responsibility to make your voice heard to the government. Look around you and at your neighbors, hold everyone you see accountable to this responsibility, from this day on. It doesn't matter if you are republican or democratic, the future of our nation affects all of us. Think of future generations and the hardship they are going to face trying to clean up what our generation is creating. Some are thinking here that this is not your responsibility but indeed it is. We have all voted for many years on the leaders we want for our country, we vote on many things, and look at where our decisions have now gotten us. Many years ago a war was fought for this lifestyle. This war effected so many people, many killed, entire family names lost in the rubble. Those people knew what they wanted and they sure got it in the end. It is now time for us to decide what we want. I know that I want a government that is honest and will do what the Constitution says it needs to do. We do not have that today.

War may be in the future, and this war will be fought between us all. It will most likely be a second Revolution that will need to happen, so we can have more say in this government. First we shall try to go about things peacefully, gather people, write to the government, and protest to everyone what is going on. When people try to provoke you to turn violent we will still go on about in a peaceful way. Together we will represent ourselves with pride and dignity and not with heated irrational moments. We hope this approach will work but who is to say it won't? I picture now everyone here spreading the word from family to family. This message should include facts of government and how far they have taken control. Then we will need to devise a plan. A plan that is pretty much fool proof. I propose a revolt form taxes. We should all try to get the whole nation to not pay their taxes. We will then see a government turn into shambles right in front of our eyes. With no money to run on they will fall apart. Some of us here will get in trouble for it, but they cannot keep a whole nation behind bars. Today is the start of a long journey that will eventually effect all Americans. It will most likely be very hard for all of us. Think however of the life it will provide many people in the future. Once again, we are the people, and let us do what is right for this nation. Speak up and be heard, because your voice is something that can never be taken away from you. I thank you for your time and I hope you all have listened to what I have said.

Government needs to operate as a unit, and not have people doing different things inside of it. All most be cohesive and have interest of the American citizen as their first thought. In today's society government is taking over to much and gaining control over certain aspects of the world. This is strongly related to the world of Fahrenheit 451, where the government pretty much rules the world. They burn peoples property. Granted, our government has not come to this, but they do tax our hard earned money to death. So in an essence these two forms of government both have a strong rule over the country, and all of the American citizens need to take back the government and run it the way it was meant to be.

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