
Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Boy in Desk

Thinking and pondering
Eyes fixed upon the ceiling
For no reason at all
Except that the boy is thinking
Eyes meet the cold hard surface above
Thoughts race from one lobe to the other
Everything is now a blur
Except this one clear and crisp thought
Boys and girls starring
He doesn't realize though
Thought has consumed his every moment
The thought is now realized from his brain
Sent down to his hand
Thought is no longer thought but words
The boy returns to his normal position
Childrens eyes are released from the boy
All is normal
That is until the next thought occurs


  1. Amanda! Amanda! This is a really good poem! I like how you kind of had the poem describe a cycle. He looks up, everybody looks at him, then he looks away, till the next thought comes. I like that, and you are also very descriptive. Mayve to add to the poem, you can put what he is thinking of. But other wise, that is a great poem!

  2. Great job, Amanda. This poem really makes you think, and I really admire that. You make writing poetry seem so easy. I agree with Angela when she talked about the cycle in the poem. Nicely done!!!

  3. I enjoyed how clear and descriptive this poem was. I wish I could wrtie poetry like that!
