
Saturday, January 9, 2010


Being trapped in your own body would basically be a place of such utter torment in goes back to the concept of Dante’s Inferno. The life that Mildred is living is essentially her worst level of hell. “And then he shut up, for he remembered last week and the two white stones staring up at the ceiling and the pump-snake with the probing eye… But that was another Mildred, that was a Mildred so deep inside this one, and so bothered, really bothered, that the two women had never met.” (Pg. 52) Instead of a mask that Montag continues to wear, Mildred is forced into two conflicting souls. These souls or “identities” give her a persona of a very strange person. She doesn’t really care for Montag, but rather what he provides for her, essentially her T.V. walls. Somewhere deep inside of her there is this person trying to break loose, and this person is a much better one than the one she is in now. Montag is facing the battle of whether he should really continue with his work, but Mildred, she is facing a war inside of her, a war of such proportions that is messing with her soul.

1 comment:

  1. That is a really good response. It touches on alot of things that I wouldn't have even thought of as well as being really well written.
