
Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Apples by Georgia O'keefe

Red, Yellow, Green
Colors seen everyday
Things of familiarity
Round with a stem of brown
Plump with seeds
Nothing that great
The crisp and the bite
Your world changes
Juice and Crunch fill the mouth
The scent of nature is hinted through the taste
Nature becomes a friend
Fruit is a new love
They continue to just sit their
Nothing special, nothing great
Just an apple lying their
Lying and lying some more
Continuing to stare and stare
It won't move, it can't
The apple just stays their.


  1. I really enjoyed reading this poem. Although, in the last couple of stanzas you used the possesive "their", instead of the place "there". Nice photo of the painting, though. :)

  2. I really liked the poem. I don't know if you meant to make the last few lines rhyme, but it made your point get across better and sounded really cool. I really like the name of your blog, it's funny!
