
Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Pick a Quote Response

" 'You must know,' said Estella, condescending to me as a beautiful woman might, 'that I have no heart- if that has anything to do with my memory.'" (Pg. 235) Growing up in a home where love is never shown is hard, and no child wishes to have. For Estella she had to deal with a guardian that was so buried in her own self pity, only taught her one thing, and that is to be soulless .

Love is a feeling that drives many people in this world, especially since everyone wants to find their one true love. Not in the Havisham house however, love is perceived as evil. Unfortunately after living with this concept for so long, Estella eventually falls fatal to this. Now her only true love is the knowledge of how she has been raised. She sticks with the philosophy of if you find a boy who likes you, treat them with no respect and leave them wanting more. For Estella this is Pip. Ever since Pip had met Estella he always has wanted more, whether it be to see her again or possibly take her as his wife. Estella however doesn’t care how Pip feels. She just wants to do her job.

It is sad to think that for Estella she may never have a true love. Her only true expectation in life is to live like she has been raised. However, that is her one downfall, not being willing to except a change, or open up to someone. If she continues down the path she has chosen she will always remain a closed book.


  1. Amanda,
    I really liked what your piece was about, and how you used a lot of text evidence to balance your opinion. I also really like the semantic device in the last sentence, it finishes the piece very nicely. Your second sentence in your second paragraph confused me a bit, I'm not sure if you meant to put the not at the beginning, because it's fine without it. Nice job!

  2. Amanda, this is a really good response! I like the quote you chose, and I especially like your idea of Estella's only expectation in life and it being her downfall. Good job:)

  3. That's really deep, Amanda. The part you said about the end is totally true. "If she continues down the path she has chosen she will always remain a closed book", that really stuck to me for some odd reason.

  4. Very insightful! It is always sad to me when I observe women who follow the same road as Estella; it is a very lonely way to live.
