
Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Response to Chapter 25

"The bridge was a plank... but it was very pleasant to see the pride with which he hoisted it up... smiling as he did so." (pg.205) This is the world of who Mr. Wemmick really is. Pretending to live in a castle that in actuality is nothing more than a normal house-- possibly smaller than that-- but yet still able to take insurmountable pride in it. At work he puts this guard over himslef to protect him from the things he that he has to see each day. This guard that he has, makes Mr. Wemmick seem as if he has two different sides to him, almost like how the character Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde were. In this case however, their is a different person outside of the equation giving Mr. Wemmick this persona.

Mr. Jaggers, a feared man, who nobody would dare to ever mess with. Once you are associated as being close with him, labels began to be set upon you. Therefore, many people just think of Mr Wemmick as a very hard and mean man. At work he does probably seem to be this way, because he is just trying to protect the one expectation that he has of life. For Mr. Wemmick his expectation is youth. He wants to try to keep the comforts of a child, and for him he loves the essence of fairy tales. Living in a castle with a drawbridge and other items brings this feeling to him.

Work can be cruel and daunting at times. The only way for Mr. Wemmick to deal with this fact of life, is to be two different people. His one side he appears to be mean and unapproachable, but in reality he is just trying to protect himself. That is why he lives such an imaginary lifestyle, in order to protect his youth.


  1. Amanda,
    That had an unique meaning that made me look at Wemmick in a different way. That was a nice contrast to other responses.

    You had a couple of fragments of sentences in there; I think it would be a good idea for you to review all of your sentences to see if they are really sentences or not.

    You had great comparisons, great vocabulary, and great voice. If you reviewed your sentences, this would be a perfect response,
    Great job!

  2. I especially like the comparison between home and work Wemmick, and Jeckyl and Hyde. Your voice is strong, and the expressive way you phrase is also good. I would advise you to continue working on sentence structures, really spending the time needed to catch those errors. This entry has a few fragments. Be patient with yourself, and don't give up.

  3. Amanda,
    The quote you had was really good, it was easier to know what you were really trying to say with that piece of text evidence. Also, the way you used insumountable was great! I love that word, it's so much fun to say! Great job, keep up the good work.
