
Wednesday, October 28, 2009

This link takes you to the video I chose from I really like this video, it is about a school called the Tinkering School. It is a school that teaches you life lessons, and not the things that in todays world we learn at school, that we don't really need. It teaches you how to make things, be a hard worker, and to persevere no matter what challenges you face. I think that this school, is a great idea, and that we should adapt some of their techniques, what do you think?


  1. I'm not sure how easily the current school culture could merge and adapt to it. I think it would be great, but take a lot of time.

  2. I agree with Jacob. The current school structure is so different than the "Tinkering School" that it would take a drastic effort to change - but it would be helpful.

  3. Awesome video. You know there are school sright now in Wisconsin, and other partds of the country, popping up with an idea called project-based learning, which is a lot like the ideas in the tinkering school. I think it's an excellent idea, and something tha tif we can't entirely do now, we can certainly implement pieces of that attitude now. How can you see incorporating that philosophy into our class?
