
Friday, October 23, 2009

Stream of Conciousness- Rock

Rock, a simple object that just lies in the way. Whether it be the ant trying to get back to the colony, or a person trying not to trip. Staring at the rock I think and think some more. Here it lies, how boring would that be, not being able to see, just sitting a feeling no warmth. Once or twice in a year being kicked, so it can feel a new environment. In a forest, water, or street, rocks are everywhere. Rocks don't have much of a purpose or functionality. Some people decide to climb giant ones but that is few in a pack. Some make a collection but eventually the enthusiasm of a new rock is no more. This specific object I realize has no purpose. Or does it, because if it didn't have a purpose, why would I waste so much energy trying to figure out. That's it the purpose for a rock is to think about life, slow down and ponder, and continue to wonder why is this rock here.


  1. This piece of writing was really good! The meaning was very deep and I liked how you explained what a rock's purpose is. I definitely would not have been able to figure that out. Great job and keep up the good writing!

  2. This stream of consciousness is really good! It made you think! Which is good. Keep up the good work!
