
Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Stream of Consciousness- Fog

The heavy fog lifts from the ground, but not enough to clear my vision. I try to look around, but there is nothing to look at, except the fog that is all I can see. Straining my eyesight I am able to make out a head and 2 feet, but this is no help, considering I can't find my way to them. I think for awhile longer, hoping that maybe someone will find me, and get me out of this cloud of fog, but what if the fog never lifts and I am left here all alone, it's not time for the negative however so I just think some more. While I continued to think I felt the cool touch of a hand run across my shoulder, and there is my guardian and protector, my father. Looking for me was what he had done, and fortunately for me I was safe and at peace, knowing that my father had risked what he had to help me escape from the fog. I breathe a sigh of relief as we take one step at a time, until we are out of the thick cloud, and I look around to see mom, sister, and brother, my family really does love me, and I knew this along, but now it is even more concrete to me.


  1. This is wonderful. The example it sets for what a stream of consciousness can do is excellent. By the end of the piece, I am fully enjoying the whole image of a loving family. Wonderful.

  2. good stream of conciousness! good syntax. i am peacfull at the thought of a loving family

  3. Amanda,
    This is really good. I like the idea of the family comforting her. It's a really loving piece.

  4. This piece is so nice. I love the idea of escaping something just to find something that you knew that you have-- in this case, love.
