
Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Cycle of Life

Authors Note: In the stanza talking about first days of school, I am really sorry it is not supposed to say "Gays" but rather Days. I am truly sorry for this error so I hope you all can read past it. Thank you :)


  1. Amanda,
    This is very well-written and laid out. I love that you've placed it on that background -- really adds to it :D Very nice job, I love it!

  2. This is really cool!! I really liked how you explained growing up. I also thought it was cool that you didn't neccesarily put them in a certain order since not everyone has the experiences at the bottom at the same time.

  3. You know, I never really paid much attention to the idea of using shapes, and background, and images to enhance poetry, probably becasue I am a bit of an English snob, with all sorts of ideas about how things should be done if they are serious efforts, but this year, work like yours has really helped me to see things differently, to see possibilities I've been closed to in the past, and I thank you. i enjoy reading this poem, and other pieces like it. there is s discipline here, a sense of how you want to use language, and that is excellent. Thanks.
