
Monday, May 24, 2010


2, 3, 5, 7
That is the order they must be
Not 1, 2, 3, 4
Only prime will do

Things must be in order
Nothing can be out of place
His words must be truth
He has no sort of facade

What you see is what you get
He will not conform
Being his own special being
Nothing will get in his way

Analytical and not creative
Excelling at Math and Science
Art and Language Arts not so much
That's just him

Deal with it or leave
Nothing can hurt him
He exist in his own world
What you see is what you get

Simply it's Christopher
Being Christopher


  1. Wow! Wow wow wow wow wow! This excellent Amanda!!! Your poem really described what Christopther's personlity is like! Nice Job!

  2. This is a brilliant way to explain what Christopher is like! It's really cool how you incorporated numbers in the poem, because that is a really big part of his life.

  3. This was really cool, incorporating the numbers made it very interesting. I really liked how you broke it up, because it gave me time to think about each part. In the second to last stanza you said, "He exist..." but I think you meant "He exists..." Great job!

  4. This was great Amanda. It's true, Christopher IS the way he IS, he does'nt put on a mask or pretend to be what he is not. It's too bad our middle school can't be like that, so often people are hiding who they really are, they change themselves to be like the others, but why try so hard to fit when your born to stand out. Awesome job!

  5. I like how you tried to use poetry here to explain the character, and I think it worked. As a poem, I especially enjoyed the way it ended; that felt to me to be the most successful part purely from a poetry point of view.
