
Friday, September 18, 2009

Stream of Consciousness- Castle

Approaching the tall and mighty gates, with this heart of mine pumping a million beats at a time. Breathing deeply wondering, pondering why did I come and where must I go. Across the moat seeing the dangerous green animal lurk in the water just waiting for someone foolish to jump on in, but that won't be me. Across the bridge and into the main courtyard the towers surround me, but I remember what I came to do and charge forward. Looking at the huge wooden doors and admiring the craftsmanship of every one with its frilly little carvings set in each one. I walk faster approaching the door I need to enter. As I open it I see the king sitting high and tall in his throne, but then he slowly starts to vanish and the scene that filled my mind slowly starts to drip away as if some water hit a canvas and everything begins to flow into each other and everything blurs away, as I just start to think why and what is going on I wake up only to realize I had dreamt of being this person, this person with something on their mind, but now I must return to reality, only hoping to return to my dream once the day has come and passed me by.


  1. I love this journal entry. It's a really vivid account from your imagination, and works well. I also lov ethe new name of your blog! Cool quote.

  2. I loved reading this journal entry. It really created a vivd image in my head while I read it. I love how in the end you made it as if they had woken up from a dream....great job!
