
Monday, September 14, 2009

"A Jury of Her Peers."

Through out this whole short story all Minnie Foster wanted was her freedom, whether that meant sitting in a jail cell, it didn't matter as long as her husband was not there. Mr. Wright, a hard man who didn't want any nonsense taking place, and to him when Minnie would sing all it was to him was like having a bug fly around his head and it annoyed him. Minnie was forced for most of her life to be quiet and not talk about what was going on, and this story really shows that eventually your feelings take over and do what they feel is right."No Wright wouldn't like the bird,' she said after that -- 'a thing that sang. She used to sing. He killed that too." (pg. 34) This quote is clearly able to show that all joy had been sucked or killed out of Minnie's life, and that drove her to point of she was going to do what ever it took to get her life back, even if that meant killing her husband. Freedom to Minnie was a key element in living a happy and successful life, but for Minnie freedom wasn't present in her life, and someone had to pay the consequences for it.


  1. Good job using text evidece. I like the bug flying around his head, it's a good simile.
    I like what you said about your feelings taking over. I really liked your response.

  2. I like how you were able to put text evidence in your response. Also, your last sentence is very powerful. I have no constuctive criticism to give you. Your balance between text evidence and opinion is perfect. Nice!

  3. I liked the quote you used from the story. I also liked the line, "Freedom to Minnie was a key element in living a happy and successful life, but for Minnie Freedom wasn't present in her life, and someone had to pay the consequences for it." I hadn't seen it that way, that not being free was making her unhappy. Maybe you could have talked about how she felt when her canary died.

  4. Amanda you are a great writer! I like the your analogy on the quote you have, "This quote is clearly able to show that all joy had been sucked or killed out of Minnie's life, and that drove her to point of she was going to do what ever it took to get her life back, even if that meant killing her husband." I really liked your responce. I can't think of anything to improve.

  5. Amanda,
    This response was truly great! I really liked your analogies and how you brought a lot of text evidence into the story. You had a great amount of your opinion too. Next time, try using different syntax, such as semi-colons or dash construction. That would make your responses even better!

  6. I really like what you have here. The use of a quote, the good text evidence, supports your idea, and it flows well as a unified thought. In the future, look to use paragraphing to further help with the organization, as this response could use some division.
