
Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Good Earth Chapter 1

This chapter slowly unfolds this book to reveal that Wang Lung is a hard working lower class man. Modern conviences unfortunately do not exist for him, and what ever he does he does from the Earth and for the Earth. "Now it was as if Heaven had chosen this day to wish him well. Earth would bear fruit." (pg. 2) This quote is clearly able to show that Wang lives to please the Earth so that the Earth might repay him. In today's society, most people take what we are given for granted, not realizing the beauty that each small thing holds. Back in that day of age, almost everything was treasured.

However, one thing people didn't really take as a priviledge that most people do today is the gift of marriage. Marriage back than didn't involve a love that would never fail, or even a ceremony. A slave that was not needed in the castle anymore was handed to a man and said go do what you would like with her. In today's world people marry the person they choose, and not by a humans force but by the force of love.

From this book though, a persons eyes can really be opened to the type of life that a woman once lived. Woman in today's world are treated just as equal as men, but back then a woman was a slave, that lived just to please her husband, and not take any luxury for herself. People now really overlook that fact considering how nowvfreedom is the basic right of every human, and quite sometime ago to a woman it was a priviledge. This book just from the first chapter hits you with a powerful message that people need to treat most things as priviledges, and not as if it is a right that you obtain.


  1. Reading your blog, I noticed we actually wrote a lot of the same things. It was good how you used some text evidence and some symbolism evidence. Next time i think youd do a little bit better if you stayed more on one topic than branching off like you did a little bit of.

  2. I really like your first paragraph about how he works for the earth so that it will repay him. I tottally missed that when I read the chapter, but I do agree with Ryan to stay on the same topic.

  3. Amanda, I always learn things from you everytime I talk to you as well as when I read your writing. You are very smart and I love how you portray your thoughts. It's always very clear and and easy to understand. I have nothing critical to say about this piece. Great Job!!

  4. Don't take comments to much to heart. We need to learn to listen, weigh the other person's idea, and decide for ourselves the right coarse to take. My take on your entry is that you did have a singular focus; looking at the text you used the notion of thankfulness, and taking luxury for granted when at the same time life presents so much worth living for, all for free, for the taking. Now, I could be wrong too, but that's what I saw in the piece you wrote. I would say nothing too critical, but only remind yuo that you can always go in and fix little bits like missing periods, spelling and such. Keep up the good work.
